Sunday, June 24, 2007

Fouth and the last week of the holidays

Day 23- 17June2007

Resting for most of the time as i got myself mentally prepared for the last week. And have somewhat promised myself that it will be a busy day. And i managed to finish the project on the Malaysia trip.

Day 24- 18June2007

Today something cope up at school and i have to rush back. And i got informed that on this Thursday i will have to present for the Chong Boon Idea's Day. And my partner is Fiona from 2e2. And our topic will be on the Malaysia trip. which is just completed yesterday.

Day 25- 19June2007

There's band today and i have to wake up exceptionally early. I have ask my mother to wake me up but since she slept at 2am in the morning every day because of the computer, i set the alarm on my hand phone just in case. Today, we also got two new instructors who would be conducting us from now on.

Day 26- 20June2007

There's Maths remedial today and it was another early day. I am starting to really have the feeling that i am going to faint from not enough sleep. Might as well hang in there as it's the last section today. Groan, but this also reminds me of band practices on bother Thursday and Friday. God! Is this really a holiday for me or was it sufferings from hell?

Day 27- 21June2007

Arg! Today's Band and Idea Day clashes. Luckily, i have been excused for a while from band. But the bad thing is reaching school at 7.30am to finish up the script for the presentation. Which means i have to wake up at 6.30am to prepare. I might drop dead any moment. But, the good point is that i am able to have refreshment after presenting. Even though there were small hiccups along the presentation, we were praised by many teachers.

Day 28- 22June2007

Thank god i am finally able to concentrate on band for one day. But, the time given for sectional was short, it did some job. There were more room for improvement and those time given have to be treasured. And, my section needed to put in extra effort to recover the lost techniques after the two week rest.

Day 29- 23June2007

Saturday, the very last second day that we cannot afford to lose. I need to hurry up with the finishing of my holiday assignment. Oh! I forgot to add in that my brother is back from the army after two weeks. But returning tomorrow. I really hope the computer gets fixed somehow.

Day 30- 24June2007

Weather is fine. And a surprise coming up! Yes, my baby cousin is coming to my house for the day. A long day and my brother went back really hope he would come back without his fats. Time sure flies. Before you know it, the break is already over.


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